The Pioneer Journey - Take
This module is a celebration of what’s worked well. In each session we encourage people to consider the same areas: Attitude; Behaviours; Knowledge; Process; Skills, and others as relevant for each individual and team, with this one allowing time for fuller discussion. We also introduce a grading system to help people discuss and understand how important each of these aspects is, and how to plan for ensuring that they come with you.
- What are we taking from lockdown that’s working well?
- Why have these things worked so well for us, individually and collectively?
- Grading the relative importance of these aspects
- What next to protect these elements?
Let’s talk! Call us on 0333 577 0040 to discuss your specific needs and build the programme that’s right for you.
we can work together on creating something unique just for you!
The Pioneer Journey - An OverviewThe Pioneer Journey - An Overview
The new normal? Nobody knows what that really will look like. People’s preferences will vary and be driven by both the commercial demands of your business as well as practical ones in employees’ home lives. To allow breathing space for you and your teams to find a way of working that really works, a look at those ways of working and why is imperative. We need to acknowledge the toll the last 18 months have taken, and give space to understand how people have been affected.
The Pioneer Journey - LeaveThe Pioneer Journey - Leave
Every positive has its shadow side, and in this session we allow for a full discussion of what’s been challenging for people, why, and discuss the consequences of these things continuing, whether for individuals, teams, the firm, and clients. This session is delicate; it’s not about apportioning blame, it’s about being an ECO warrior and understanding what can happen that hinders ourselves and others in exceptional times, in order to overcome that in future.
The Pioneer Journey - IntroduceThe Pioneer Journey - Introduce
We will inevitably have strayed into this territory during session two, and this session allows for a) fuller discussion of these elements and b) coverage of others that have not yet raised their head. This session will of course uncover people’s “wish lists” and not everything will be practical or possible. As with session one, there will be an opportunity to grade what “needs” to be introduced in terms of its urgence/importance and value.
Call us on 0333 577 0040 or click here to email us with your enquiry.