Live Virtual Learning Days
What are they?
It’s like Countdown – one from the top and two from the bottom! Our 73 amazing Nifty 90s can be combined in any way you want, to best meet your development needs.
Choose three workshops over a day and participants can attend one, two, or three workshops. Each workshop can have between 12 and 20 participants, so up to 60 different individuals could attend.
How do they work?
These sessions will be delivered live, using Zoom video virtual classroom software. Delegates can join on a variety of devices without having to download any software. Ideally people should use laptops or PCs for their larger screen size which is useful when we share documents and worksheets etc. However, if people are only able to join by tablet or smartphone, we can accommodate that also.
What’s the format?
Delivery will include:
Delegate interaction with facilitator and all other delegates
Use of breakout rooms for small group discussion and mini role plays
Sharing of documents, worksheets, models etc
Chat function to allow delegates to interact privately with each other and with facilitator
Real time capture of delegate comments and points for action
Learning materials will be made available electronically
What have other clients done?
Here are some ways our Clients have structured their days. Yours can be as unique as your business.
example 1
Key EI Skills of Star PerformersKey EI Skills of Star Performers
Here you focus on the fundamental underlying skills and behaviours of those who are great at building business relationships. Then we look at the key emotional intelligence competencies you can develop to be more effective in your business environment.
Manage Your "Gremlin"Manage Your "Gremlin"
Think you don’t have a Gremlin? Think again. It’s the voice or feeling that pops up when things are changing in our personal and professional lives, taunting us with all the reasons why we can’t do something and why we should stay where and as we are. But it can be managed!
The Brilliance of ResilienceThe Brilliance of Resilience
Today’s working environment is fast-moving, ever-changing and challenging. We are under pressure as never before to produce high volumes of quality work and deal with the uncertainty of constantly changing markets, clients and colleagues against a backdrop of Covid-19. All the while developing good relationships with others. The secret? Resilience.
Example 2
Dealing with the Emotional Impact of ChangeDealing with the Emotional Impact of Change
Being able to manage your emotions, particularly when it comes to change, is a sign of good emotional intelligence. Learn how to manage your own anxieties about change and be a supportive and productive team member.
Flexing Your Communication StyleFlexing Your Communication Style
Here we look at communication style: being self-aware of your own and understanding that of others. There are four Social Styles: Driving; Expressive; Amiable; and Analytical. Your Style is your Style, however there is a clear correlation between your success at work and your versatility i.e. your ability to identify what other people need, and to flex your Style according to those needs.
Keeping in Touch with Colleagues and ClientsKeeping in Touch with Colleagues and Clients
Some people think that social media and technology solves all the issues around keeping in touch with colleagues and clients: well, no. That round robin email of the interesting article, bcc’d to your database, is poor fare. LinkedIn and the like are great tools, but never believe they are enough. Here we give you a multitude of ways to keep in touch and build and nurture your professional relationships.
Accentuate The PositiveAccentuate The Positive
Being able to manage your emotions is a sign of good emotional intelligence and a key criterion for leaders. You’re intelligent – of course. You’re good at your job – that goes without saying. You’re great at helping others recognise and manage their emotions…..are you? And do you stay the course when things get tough, in a way that’s productive and helpful for yourself and those around you? This session helps develop your Emotional and Resilience Quotients, as well as helping others through change.
Be a ChameleonBe a Chameleon
How you communicate with others determines the effectiveness of your life. Everyone is different and has their own story to tell. Rainmakers intuitively adapt to others, letting them shine by first knowing themselves then balancing talking and listening; facts and storytelling; empathy and assertiveness.
Follow Up, Keep Your PromisesFollow Up, Keep Your Promises
Delivering on your promises is a very attractive quality: end conversations with an action, take control when you need to and call when you say you will. This is how to get yourself ahead in your relationships: by doing exactly what it says on the tin. The best relationship builders do what they’re supposed to, when they’re supposed to: they have exemplary modern manners. By the end of this session you will know how to move smoothly through the gears when it comes to developing your relationships.
Example 4
Attitude Is Everything - Think Like AndyAttitude Is Everything - Think Like Andy
Nobody ever got up in the morning for an achievable goal, but then resilience also means knowing when to quit. Andy Murray got to world number one against all the odds. Learn to love “selling”! Nobody is asking you to do the stuff we all hate when sold to.
Common Sales Mistakes and How to Fix ThemCommon Sales Mistakes and How to Fix Them
Do you like being sold to? Most of us would say no to that, while knowing all business development activity is a sell, whether asking for follow up at a networking event or pitching a multi-million-pound deal. Many unwittingly commit the common crimes that turn the other party off, so this 90 tells you what they are and, more importantly, tells you exactly what to do to stop making them!
The Come In and Pitch MeetingThe Come In and Pitch Meeting
At this meeting there is an opportunity to close, when you have been asked in to deal with a specific enquiry. You might still do plenty of context or small talk or you might not; there may or may not be much preamble before getting down to nitty and gritty. You have to be able to pitch your ideas in the first few minutes if asked, or engage, listen and empathise for as long as it takes. This is not a formal beauty parade pitch, so don’t go tooled up with technology, and forty-five minutes of formal team presentation. It’s much more subtle and nuanced than that.
If you'd like to explore how this would work for your team, contact our BD Manager Matt Wardrop or call us on 0333 577 0040.