Feedback & Review
In this session you identify what you need to do to improve your performance. This is tough love practised by you, on you, comprising a combination of goal-setting, incisive feedback, vibrant group discussion and review of key skills. By the end of this session you will have a personal plan with specific action areas, and you will use these goals and actions to measure your improvement.
- I will stop doing this, it’s a bad trait
- I will start doing this, it’s terrific
- Doing more of that is definitely a good idea
- A bit less of that is what is needed
Let’s talk! Call us on 0333 577 0040 to discuss your specific needs and build the programme that’s right for you.
we can work together on creating something unique just for you!
The Client Account MeetingThe Client Account Meeting
Everyone has these, and it is easy for them to be polite and perfunctory and, dare we say, a waste of everyone’s time. At one level this is simply a “how are you” chat about keeping things ticking along, but approached in the right way possibilities emerge. Key here is the listen and learn stage, picking up subtle clues that allow you valuable insight and, eventually, the opportunity to suggest what you can do next. Or even better, the suggested advance comes from the other party! Now that’s always nice, very nice.
The Come In and Pitch MeetingThe Come In and Pitch Meeting
At this meeting there is an opportunity to close, when you have been asked in to deal with a specific enquiry. You might still do plenty of context or small talk or you might not; there may or may not be much preamble before getting down to nitty and gritty. You have to be able to pitch your ideas in the first few minutes if asked, or engage, listen and empathise for as long as it takes.
The Challenging MeetingThe Challenging Meeting
Nobody is perfect and at some point there is a meeting where you are told just that. A point of clarification is needed, they are unhappy with aspects of your pricing, the project did not go as planned. Anticipating what you think will happen beforehand, having fall-back positions when it all gets fraught, and dealing with your own and others’ behaviours are key aspects here. It is empowering effecting a win/win outcome to a difficult situation, even if the win does not give you everything you hoped for (reality check: it rarely does).
Call us on 0333 577 0040 or click here to email us with your enquiry.