fantastic feedback skills
Real and helpful ‘feedback’, a word that’s synonymous with ‘criticism’ for many people, is in fact the opposite when it’s done properly. It’s a key skill for leaders, managers and peers to develop, leading as it does to enhanced performance, engagement and retention. Learn how to do it brilliantly here.
- The principles of feedback
- Your own barriers to delivering it
- Working at the level of underlying intention versus effect
- Use the AIDE (Action, Impact, Desired outcome, Explore) model to plan and deliver your feedback
- Dealing with reactions: face-to-face or online
Let’s talk! Call us on 0333 577 0040 to discuss your specific needs and build the programme that’s right for you.
we can work together on creating something unique just for you!
Feedback: The Sequel (Tough Love Part 2)Feedback: The Sequel (Tough Love Part 2)
Delivering your feedback as a leader, manager or peer is one thing. But of course you’ll have to engage with the recipient and do anything from hearing their perspective, answering their questions, to dealing with the fallout.
Feedback & ReviewFeedback & Review
In this session you identify what you need to do to improve your performance. This is tough love practised by you, on you, comprising a combination of goal-setting, incisive feedback, vibrant group discussion and review of key skills. By the end of this session you will have a personal plan with specific action areas, and you will use these goals and actions to measure your improvement.
Coaching: Core Skills (Crisis, What Crisis?)Coaching: Core Skills (Crisis, What Crisis?)
Once you understand what ‘Coaching’ is and is not, you can start to focus on and practise the core skills that will move your relationships with your colleagues, or your direct reports, on to great things.
Call us on 0333 577 0040 or click here to email us with your enquiry.