BD Meetings: Getting To Trust - How To Suspend Self-Interest
Trust is the holy grail; if I like you I will listen to you, if I trust you I will do business with you. Trust is about eschewing your self-interest until you have established your credibility, reliability and intimacy. The best way to advance is to have your prospect suggest the way forward; it works like magic.
- The Maister Trust equation: where do you need a top up?
- The four stages of the meeting
- Getting an advance - how to get your prospect to say yes
- Be creative - fifty possible outcomes of the BD meeting
Let’s talk! Call us on 0333 577 0040 to discuss your specific needs and build the programme that’s right for you.
we can work together on creating something unique just for you!
Grab Your GremlinGrab Your Gremlin
Humans are hard-wired to avoid danger, and part of our early-warning system is our self-limiting voice, or Gremlin. Unfortunately, it’s more like a faulty alarm system, in that it sees danger where there is none, only discomfort and challenge. Here we learn not to fear but to adore, our Gremlin, moving through the discomfort to action, ability and confidence.
Accentuate the PositiveAccentuate the Positive
Being able to manage your emotions is a sign of good emotional intelligence and a key criterion for leaders. You’re intelligent – of course. You’re good at your job – that goes without saying. You’re great at helping others recognise and manage their emotions…..are you? And do you stay the course when things get tough, in a way that’s productive and helpful for yourself and those around you? This session helps develop your Emotional and Resilience Quotients, as well as helping others through change.
Just *** Do It!Just *** Do It!
Delegation is hard. Often, we don’t even want to develop it because “it’s quicker and easier to do it myself” (code for, “I want to be in complete control”). Every leader needs to delegate in order to free themselves up for the big strategic pursuits. We show you and how to do it here.
Call us on 0333 577 0040 or click here to email us with your enquiry.