We won the big pitch and there is no doubt having KWC in the room moved us along in the process and helped sort out who was doing what… sometimes you need someone to hold the jackets!

Colin Reynell, Director

winning a £250m pitch: Costain case study

Over nearly two decades we have worked with many individuals and groups on their biggest pitches, often anonymously. Call us for a confidential chat and we will be happy to put you in touch with some very happy and successful pitchers.

We like nothing better than a day or two in a room with your biggest personalities inspiring them to find the emotional connection, persuading them to ditch that slide, telling them change the order of play and getting the video camera out for some serious rehearsals.

We put you in the room.

The Brief

This group needed to both be inspired that this was possible and to be more focussed on relationship building, then given the skills that would allow them to go out and develop opportunities.

In addition, a £250 million pitch was being prepared by a group of nine consultants: we had to make them unforgettable for the two hours they were in the room.       

The Solution

A bespoke two day Business Development programme with short, sharp small group follow-up sessions three months later was developed.

Feedback was overwhelmingly positive with all delegates rating the programme highly across all areas. Specifically the pace and the interactive use of flipcharts were highlighted by many delegates. 

An intensive two days of facilitation followed for those involved in the pitch for the large contract. This took a large room with materials across all four walls and condensed them into a perfectly formed two hour presentation to be delivered by 6 consultants.  

The Results

Despite some scepticism before delivery of the Business Development programme it was well received by all, motivational and resulted in behaviour change in a number of delegates.

Specifically, a more confident and structured approach to business development resulted in more calls, more meetings and more positive outcomes from those meetings.
Costain won the £250 million pitch. The two days added creativity and focus, as well as an objective, expert pair of eyes that helped sort out who was saying what and when.

The video feedback sessions also allowed team members to dovetail their material better and see how effective, or otherwise, they were as presenters. In addition, it’s easy to avoid the difficult questions and scenarios that can come up: this was not allowed to happen with KWC.

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