Well-being and Work Life Balance
Let’s talk about well-being and work life balance.
There was no Friday fritatta last week, this is one l made earlier.
A client wanted some last minute pitch assistance so Friday afternoon was on the Zoom. KWC Global folks stop at high noon Friday but my morning was already busy.
Last week kicked off with the same client on Zoom 7.30am to 9am Monday, the only chance to brainstorm before l headed for keynotes in Norwich and London.
Reahearsal was Frankfurt on Monday, a 16 hour day. l arrived in Liverpool at midnight, so exhausted I couldn’t remember if it was Kenny Dalgleish or Kenny Rogers who played for Everton.
(Sunday was prep and travel and a meeting with the CEO and dinner with the pitch team and missing the Arsenal game: 10 hours.)
It’s Wednesday morning in London. The window’s open and I can see the City. It’s beautiful and life-affirming. I arrived last night at 7.51pm, just in time to see a tremendous Champions League game between Bayern and Real. So Tuesday was a 12 hour shift; l popped out for food at half time.
There are two full-on days in the Big Smoke and a busy Friday, then a week off.
Three points on work-life balance I’d like your views on, because l no longer need to do 38 hours by Wednesday morning, but am always happy to, especially when needs must:
🟣 You are never more alive, more self-actualised, than when you have given your all for something you have learned to do well. When was the last time you did that?
🟣 The players coming off at the Allianz stadium last night did that. Nothing left in the tank, your heroes give everything. They do it all the time, even in training. It’s how they get so good. It’s just how I felt, barrelling from Manchester Airport on Monday at 11pm. And they’ll do it again next week against the same opponents. Are they wrong to put everything on the line?
🟣 Every entrepreneur/business person on here does the same: every single one. Or they did when making their bones. Specifically, l mean they put the hours in. So when they post about well-being and family time and never answering emails after five ask them this question. May l see a time sheet?
Seek purpose and find contentment; jewel it with joy.