BY Nicky Denegri

DATE: 15 MAR 2013


There’s much excitement at Kissing With Confidence Towers this week. Maybe it’s because Spring is (or rather, was) in the air, however briefly.  Plus we all seem to be getting on planes, trains and automobiles to deliver our unique blend of training in the Kissing With Confidence way. Which is definitely in our “Top Ten Favourite Things To Do of All Time".

Next week, I’m off to Singapore to deliver some training at a conference – and quite frankly, I’m beside myself with excitement. What’s not to love? A plane journey. Revisiting a fantastic part of the world that I last saw 20 years ago. 40 interesting – and international – delegates from around Asia. And – last but by no means least - an afternoon on Networking and Relationship Building Skills. Wonderful.  

Despite cultural differences around the world, it’s still all about the communication skills and attributes of people who are good at this stuff. Taking time to find out about their (prospective) client, and building the relationship to name but two. Is there anywhere where people don’t appreciate being listened to? Respected? Shown that others are interested in what they have to say? Answers on a postcard if I’m wrong, but I don’t think there is. At Kissing With Confidence, we’re constantly meeting interesting people. So, at every gig we do, we learn something from our audience. Their combined life experience, knowledge and expertise mean it’s far from one-way traffic. We love it.

Jet-lag permitting, I’ll be blogging again next week to let you know how it’s all gone, and what I learned. I’ll have had a 14.5 hour flight back to reflect. Expect depth!

Au revoir!

PS. Russell’s Remarks this week focus on the Big Audience gig. Now, 40 people is a reasonable audience but not quite up there with the audiences of several hundred people he regularly talks to. It’s a brilliant read. Not for nothing do I call him The Russmeister. Enjoy.


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about the author

Nicky Denegri is our Senior Consultant. If you would like to know more about this subject, drop her an email and we will be in touch.

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