You may have read Singapore Sling last week. I said I’d report back, so here goes. First off, I’m back. Jings, the jet-lag was something else. I think I had double-loop jetlag (I’ve just made that concept up). How so? Well, I got there Wednesday evening, flew back home Thursday evening. By Friday morning I didn’t know what day of the week it was. What time it was. What I was meant to be eating, and when. Obviously I erred on the side of caution and ate everything that was offered.
Thankfully, two days later I was as right as rain. That’s when I had the chance to reflect properly on my trip and the work I was doing out there. I was working with a fantastic client. With a group of really bright, interesting and interested people. Networking and Relationship Building were on the agenda. Despite cultural etiquette, there were no differences in terms of the skills you need to develop to be good at this stuff. The group had a real mix of experience around the topic. For some people this stuff was all new, for others a refresher of things that they’d mostly come across before. No matter. They all threw themselves into the discussions and exercises.
We talked a bit about characteristics of high performers. I explained I’d been watching David Beckham, in China promoting football, interviewed earlier that day. The usual questions about his age and retirement had been put to him. His response? “I’m still fit, I enjoy playing, and every match I’m in I learn something new.” Now, that’s definitely part of the high-performance mind-set. Beckham needs no introduction. We know he’s brilliant. He knows that too I imagine. Yet he’s still looking to identify whatever it is that will make him even better. No arrogant resting on his laurels for him. No assumption that because he’s at the top of his field he can’t get any better.
As I said in Singapore Sling, every time we do a gig at Kissing With Confidence we learn something new. From the audience as well as from ourselves – we’re always on the lookout for how to make things better. I certainly learned several new things* last week and I hope the delegates did too. What can you learn today?
*You don’t need tights in 34 degree heat was one of them.
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about the author
Nicky Denegri is our Senior Consultant. If you would like to know more about this subject, drop her an email and we will be in touch.