It’s Monday morning, mid-March Monday and we have several trainers around the UK in what is always a very busy month. By Friday I had set up our first virtual training session (a Rainmaker Business Growth Workshop for a London corporate) and we were all working from home. I am sure you remember the last couple of days before Lockdown. That week in particular stands out as we changed what we did overnight, from the classroom to the Zoom-room. It is now August and we have continued to deliver live virtual training every week to clients all over the UK and Europe, with facilitators based in Oban, Glasgow and Tonbridge Wells – who knew?
I spent many a late-night upskilling on brand new technology and getting the team up to speed. It was the steepest learning curve but well worth it. I have now set up somewhere in the region of 1000+ virtual learning events, offered tech support to delegates in Madrid, Singapore, Dublin, London & Aberdeen and can call myself our in-house Zoom Meister.
The technology works really well. It is intuitive and we haven’t lost a delegate yet! The biggest plus is we still provide the KWC “in the room” learning experience with fast-paced small group breakout sessions, our signature flipcharts and links to further online resources. Ask to see our KWCWONDERWALL…it is a work of art!
Counter intuitively, going virtual has allowed me to have a much more personal relationship with our clients. Over the zoom is often automatically what I do now, whereas before it was all email and phone. As stressful as it was- and believe me organising over 600 events over six weeks for 80 Directors of a global consultancy is intense—I really enjoy the more personal aspect of the job. Going virtual has allowed me to appreciate the many excellent wallpaper choices; have brief encounters with children, dogs and cats; and see what’s being delivered to whom that morning. My own little dog Basil has also been enjoying having me home more and has even surprised me with how well behaved he has been on my video meetings. He sleeps a lot but has definitely facilitated some interesting client chat. I’m sure he’s closed a few sales.
Will we get back to training in person? Of course, I don’t think anything could stop Michael, Nicky and Russell packing their suitcases, but it will likely be a blended return to Zoom will not be going away any time soon. The great news is necessity has given us a completely new way of working that’s more flexible and is offering up new innovations every day. As well as saving a few airmiles and train tickets all round!
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about the author
Julie McHugh is our Client Services Manager. If you would like to know more about GDPR, drop her an email and she will be in touch.