BY Russell Wardrop

DATE: 21 DEC 2011


I got an iPad for business reasons, but it seems like it was for Christmas. That’s certainly when I’ll be finding out what it does. But I can say for now it is a thing of extreme functionality and exquisite beauty. “Form follows function”, a saying beloved of modern architects, doesn’t do it justice.  

Christmas, in addition to my iPad candy? Big pots of soup, mulled wine, The World at War, Judge Judy, Live Premiership football, Radio 4, Life on Earth, Poirot, a Dundee United game or two, cooking Christmas dinner for the wrinklies, TOTP2, eating many mince pies, long walks, working out every day, seeing Matt and Hannah, sleeping in the afternoon, getting a haircut, shoes in the sales, chocolate, Pirates of Penzance at the Concert Hall, meeting new neighbours.

And lots of reading of new books. The traditional kind give me a bigger buzz than the iPad ones. Assuming you had to carry them about, here’s three from my shelves, ideal for late presents: Perfume, Patrick Suskind; Independence Day, Richard Ford; and Love in the Time of Cholera, Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Too heavy? The Matthew Shardlake series, C J Sansom.

I may inevitably end up with lots of books on my iPad - Machiavelli is on there already for free - since I am a big fan of design and “form follows function” is in my DNA. When out on your post-Christmas shopping sprees, if you want to understand the essence of Steve Jobs own philosophy, “form follows emotion”, go into the Apple store but don’t fire up an iPad. Just ask to see how the front cover works as a stand.

If you have a soul, it will make you smile, and nod in appreciation. Genius, pure genius. But you might also realise you like the look and feel and smell of a proper book.


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about the author

Russell Wardrop is our Chief Executive. If you would like to know more about this subject, drop him an email and we will be in touch.

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