BY Russell Wardrop

DATE: 16 MAR 2020


If training isn’t part of your current contingency plan, here’s a couple of options to consider

It’s fair to say we are living in unprecedented times owing to the ever changing nature of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Naturally, this has meant people are restricting travel and cancelling any unnecessary trips, events, meetings and training.

As a business that delivers face to face training, we understand that our clients are taking these precautionary measures. However, it’s important to note that we have, pre COVID-19, and for many years been offering alternative ways of reaching people using the wonders of modern technology. 

We know that time back in the diary for you and your teams can be difficult to re-arrange, so we wanted to highlight a couple of alternative training options that will ensure you can keep the momentum going and continue to grow your business.

Small Group Training
Using Video Conferencing (VC) means we are able to deliver training with people in one location who can be joined through video conferencing with colleagues in several different locations, crossing several different time zones.

Our training style works really well in this context and delegates’ input is sought through our facilitated feedback and discussion. 

We’ve previously used video conferencing to deliver to overseas locations with the trainer in London, and it works well too. When you consider we are often working in different time zones, cross-culturally and with people who speak a second or even third language, our client feedback on this option has been fantastic.

Simple, easy and still as impactful.

Executive Coaching
Our coaching clients are busy senior people whose time is at an absolute premium. They understand that the face-to-face immersion of coaching is the best route; however, there are times where this simply isn’t possible. 

In these situations, we can offer Skype (whether phone or video call) to connect with them and make the best use of the time they have.

Surprisingly perhaps, there’s even more intensity to this type of coaching than face-to-face, so it’s important to factor in a brief break, but it’s an appreciated way of keeping the momentum and staying connected. 

Clients’ needs come first, and working with them to find an alternative that delivers what they need, when they need it, and in a reliable (and low-cost) way, means that phone and video conferencing types of delivery work brilliantly.

Want to find out more?
Whether you are an existing client or someone new considering training, please get in touch if you would like to find out more about how our team can assist you.

We’re lucky enough to have the backing of a technical team which means all requests and requirements can be discussed – don’t be afraid, just ask!

Email us at or give us a call on 0333 577 0040.

About Kissing With Confidence
For over 20 years, KWC has provided programmes on business growth, leadership and pitching for individuals and teams located around the world. With three epic paths to business growth, Rainmaker, Pitchmaker and Teammaker, the consistent ROI delivered speaks for itself.