I first met Russell and Sharon at an entrepreneurial event and after Russell’s presentation I was sold. It was right then I realised that Kissing With Confidence is an acquired life skill (which, if you know the song, is exactly what it says).
My first big audience gig was in the Albert Hall. I was pretty nervous to say the least, even though it was in Stirling in front of 300 people. I was on after the break so during coffee I mixed and mingled with the audience to allow me time to get my mouth to work properly. Then the bell rang and there was no turning back, I was on without even the opportunity to order a G&T at the interval.
The topic was the evolution of fund-raising in amateur sports clubs. Having been the Chairman of Stirling Basketball club for a year and raised more money than all the previous years put together I felt I was qualified.

My research was based on studying how products and offerings are initially adopted and rise and then decline - that’s the theory - and matched this to what I had achieved in my first year of fund raising- the practice.

After 60 seconds on my feet I was hooked. I loved the story telling, the sharing of experiences, the journey the audience went on, the expressions on faces as a penny dropped or a laugh line landed well. And of course the need to field questions from a knowledge hungry audience.
That was 1976 when I was 19. My talks since then have more often than not been to employees: 50, 150, 450 and always with the purpose of taking them on a journey. Sometimes the journey was a challenging one, where jobs were lost or other challenging news was the order of the day; at other times it was about motivating and inspiring the troops by mobilising the force within.

After 34 years of running companies at Board level and many discussions with Russell, CEO of KWC, we agreed the time is right to share these experiences to a wider audience.

I absolutely love the KWC material (who wouldn’t?) and the energetic way it is delivered. Kissing With Confidence is the only company I have encountered where the material is aligned to what has helped me over the years achieve great things with some terrific people. And along the way has brought me great wealth.

Being part of the Kissing With Confidence team takes me back 40 years. It’s the coming together of the theory and the practice.

Now, there’s a story in that... where’s my laptop?


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about the author

Brian Williamson is our Entrepreneur in Residence. If you would like to know more about this subject, drop him an email and we will be in touch.

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