For those of you familiar with the Father Christmas of Raymond Briggs’ books, perhaps you’ll identify with him as I do. When it comes to Christmas I always find myself muttering “Bloomin’ Christmas” under my breath in the run-up to the day itself, slightly panicked by the sheer amount of things to do, presents to buy, cards to write and people to see.
However I know that on December 25, gently groaning with a festive overload of turkey and trimmings, I’ll be full of the joys, wishing, as Wizzard would say “it could be Christmas every day” and misty-eyed over the Queen’s speech.
My two dogs always get me out of the house, irrespective of the date, time of year, or weather. Christmas Day is no different. I love walking in the London parks, where for one day only people actually make eye contact, and everyone wishes everyone else a very Merry Christmas, before reverting to normal the following day!
If I don’t see you in the park, I’d like to wish you a very Merry Christmas, and a wonderful New Year. Wishing you lots of joy and happiness for 2013.
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about the author
Nicky Denegri is our Senior Consultant. If you would like to know more about this subject, drop her an email and we will be in touch.